Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Roxy Update

Roxy is still with us. She was given 2 months to live in Sept. of 2014 due to having cancer in her mouth. She is still eating and happy to see me when I come home. She does sleep all day and night, you can tell she doesn't feel well. I think she is nearing the end, but I am grateful she has made is this long. She is a wonderful pup, I have been spoiling her rotten too. I take her out and buy her pepperoni sticks every other day, the human ones from the gas station. I carry her up and down the stairs (even though she do it herself).We love this gal!
UPDATE: The cancer finally became more than Roxy could handle. She was in pain and could not do more than lay on the couch. It was time to let her go. She passed away on Monday, March  2, 2015. We will miss you Doodle!

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