Friday, September 26, 2014

Uinta Camping Trip

 We went camping in the Uinta Mountains over the 4th of July. It was amazingly perfect. We saw a mama and baby moose walk right by our camp, and 3 bull moose while out driving, also saw countless deer, including one who hung around camp the entire time, my kids named her Sheila. Went fishing at Whitney Reservoir, my husband caught 5 trout, practically in a row. It was in the low 70's the entire time (it was in the upper 90's back home). We were practically alone where we chose to camp, so the dogs did not have to be chained up. It was so relaxing I could have just sat in camp all day.
We drove into Evanston, WY for the fire works on the 4th, that is something everyone should try at least once. No matter where you park in town you can see fireworks going off in every direction for a couple hours. My kids kept saying "I don't even know which way to look, they are everywhere!"

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