Friday, November 28, 2014

Wedding center piece

My daughter is getting married! She got engaged the middle of Nov. and they are getting married 2 days after Christmas. He is in the Air Force, this is why the rushed wedding. It has been a crazy year. Earlier this year, my husband had emergency open heart surgery, moments away from a fatal heart attack. So paying for a wedding this year, at Christmas time, seems somewhat impossible.
Because of this, I get to use my creative side, which I love to do. Everyone thinks I am crazy to do all the work, but what choice do I have. I am making the center pieces, the cake (which will be a cupcake tree) and the food, with lots of help from my daughters, mother, and the grooms mother.
So here is my first creation, the center pieces. Thanks to the grooms sister getting married last year, they have a lot of vases, that was quite a savings, Then I bought everything a Hobby Lobby while it was half off, flowers, marbles, a string of battery operated lights and ribbon.

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