Friday, September 26, 2014


This is our beautiful pug, Roxy. She is my protector! When possible, she will not let me out of her sight. I love this gal. We adopted her into our home and our hearts almost 2 years ago. We found out 2 days ago (when this pic was taken) that the lump in her mouth is a tumor. It is a fast growing cancer, and she might not make it through the year. We are saddened by this news.
My experience with pugs- My daughter had been begging for a pug for about 3 years, finally, her boyfriend gave her one for Christmas. Roxy! I was not happy about this as we had 3 dogs and did not need another. But she kept looking at me with that face, and her temperament is amazing, Soon, she won me over and I did not want her to go. We can walk her around the neighborhood without a leash, she will not leave my side, even if we pass another dog or person. I have never had a dog that I could do that with, usually they are dragging me or I am dragging them. I would recommend a pug to anyone now that I have had an opportunity to have one. (You just have to be able to tolerate snoring and snorting noises).
Here she is, 2 months later and still with us. She is loving her stuffy. Roxy's tumor has gown to 3 or 4 times the size it was when she was first diagnosed in Sept. She seems to be getting weaker, but she is still eating and like to take short walks. She hasn't needed medication yet. We spoil her rotten. She gets to go everywhere we can take her, and I stop at the gas station and get her pepperoni sticks whenever I can, she expects it now :)

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